How to Participate


If you’re interested in presenting original research on a topic related to Latina, Latino, and Latin American Studies, then this is a perfect opportunity.  The CUNY Institute for Mexican Studies and Lehman College are hosting the Inaugural High School Student Symposium on Latina, Latino, and Latin American Studies, on Friday, June 21st, 2013, in collaboration with other great partnering organizations, to form more public platforms where real conversations happen on topics important to us regardless of age or institution.

Students are required to get permission from a parent / guardian, as well as from their school principal.


Families are invited and encouraged to attend the student panel discussions.


Teachers, staff, and school administrators are encouraged to present this opportunity to their students. Students are asked to submit a one to two paragraph abstract describing their research project. Conference organizers will respond to all submissions with feedback.  Students will then work on their projects and submit a final paper to conference organizers by June 10th. Feedback will be given to each submission, and students will present their research at Lehman College in small thematically-grouped panels moderated by college students, faculty, and community leaders, and open to question-answer periods following the presentations.

Community-Based Arts, Cultural, and Civic Organizations

We are reaching out to community organizations to make this opportunity available to the youth they serve.  The ISLAS forum is an opportunity for youth to see the connections between academia and communities of arts and justice, among many others. We encourage community organizations to support the participation of their youth in this conference as they gather and ultimately present their research.


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